Cities like Toronto and Vancouver are constantly in the news for their staggering real estate prices that continue to climb, making affordable housing for lower-income families a real impossibility. These two cities are coveted places to live. They offer plenty of culture, natural beauty, excitement, and jobs. However, it takes more than “fun stuff to do” to make a city livable. The definition of a livable city, according to Money Sense, is based on several factors, such as home affordability, low taxes, public transit, low crime rates, the economy, access to the arts and community activities, and even the weather.

According to these metrics, here are the most livable cities in Canada, courtesy of Focus Moving Services.

#1: Ottawa, Ontario

 Home to Parliament, the Ottawa Senators, skating on the Rideau Canal, and the densest population of public servants, Ottawa makes the top of the list for its accessibility to public transportation, health services, and the high income of its citizens. Ottawa is very much a livable city, with pockets of different types of housing scattered across the region. It also offers plenty of beautiful spots to sit down and take in the natural beauty of Canada’s capital city.

#2: Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Quebec

 This not-so-famous French-Canadian town makes the top of the list for its accessibility to health services, high-income jobs, and its economy. This city rests in the centre of the province, close to Quebec City. Regarded as safe and family-friendly city, the mainly French-speaking citizens are proud of their low crime and unemployment rates, and their green spaces.

#3: Oak Bay, British Columbia

 Sitting at the southern tip of Vancouver Island is Oak Bay. This affluent seaside community has achieved this ranking for its access to public transportation, high average income of its residents, and its involvement in arts and community. Oak Bay is famous for its Oak Bay Avenue, which features one the largest arts and crafts collections around.

#4: North Saanich, British Columbia

 Situated in the Saanich Peninsula north of Victoria is North Saanich, which earns the number four spot on this list for its high average household income, its accessibility to health services, and its low crime rate. While the housing isn’t as expensive as it is in Greater Vancouver, one must expect to pay a premium for living in such a naturally beautiful area.

#5: Weyburn, Saskatchewan

Nicknamed the Opportunity City, Weyburn is a small city compared to Regina, with only 11,000 residents. It has reached the number five spot for its home affordability, robust economy, and high average household income. If you and your family are looking for a quiet yet thriving city in the Prairies, Weyburn is it!

Is your city on the list? What makes an ideal place to live, in your opinion? Contact Focus Moving Services today to request a free quote.

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